
GRG looks ahead to 2022!

1/3/20221 min read

It’s a shiny new year and we’ve got a shiny new website!

Well, partially, anyhow, it’s still in development as we write this - which is a great segue into some new year resolutions because we, too, are in development. We’ve got a lot of exciting projects planned for this year, and a few goals to ride along with them.

Grow Our AudiencePermalink

We love the things we make. We’re confident that other people will love them too - so we want to work on getting our cool things into other people’s hands! We’ve got a few strategies developing to that end. Check back for our next blog post, where we’ll dip into that more directly.

Explore Diverse Funding ModelsPermalink

This has been our plan for a long time, and we’re getting to act on it more this year. For a lot of reasons, we don’t want to commit to just one crowdfunding platform, just one subscriber model, or just one storefront. Right now we’ve got plans in the works for experimenting with a couple crowdfunding models in addition to our storefronts and ko-fi.

Broaden Our SkillsPermalink

Dan’s learning web development to code this website! Kali is devouring dungeon maps to develop a visual vocabulary! We’re both brushing up our metadata skills to support long term, multi-release projects!

As we work toward these goals, we’re also excited to tell you about our 2022: Year of Hex + Settings, and our first crowdfunded print run: 9 Lives to Valhalla! Watch this space for more info soon <3